rock the boat

Is your mantra… I don’t want to tell people about my faith because it might “rock the boat “? do you shy away from telling people about your faith in God because you think that they will not like you? Are you so introverted that you definitely are hiding your light under a bushel? Or… Are you so on fire for Jesus that you let every single person know it! Your light is shining, so bright!. If that’s the case, glory, be to God! For a lot of people it’s hard to share the gospel. It’s easy to just say well. They will know that I’m a Christian by my actions. That’s true, but we need to step out in faith and make sure That they actually know… A lot of people who are not Christians do nice things for people. That’s awesome but they probably won’t get them or the people that they are helping to heaven. Hey, I’m definitely in the introverted camp and it’s hard for me to talk to people about my faith. So I’m writing this for me as well as you… Maybe you’re not an introvert, but you have trouble talking to people about Jesus for one reason or another. You’re probably like me, and would love to see all of your family in heaven someday. We need to be spreading the gospel and making sure our family members are saved. It’s hard and awkward, but that’s what we are commissioned to do. We’re to spread the gospel to all the world. We are to let our light shine. We’re not to fade into the background. We are not supposed to do the things of the world… It can be so easy to just slip into the background, but we are going to be judged by our fruit. If we haven’t sewn some seeds and shown, someone what it is to be a Christian, then we’re not producing fruit. Like I said before, this is a reminder for every single Christian… Sometimes we just have to rock the boat! also while I’m on a little bit of a rant… Christians you shouldn’t be using slang like OMG or saying, GDI… People will hear you and think you’re just part of the world. OK, let’s go out and let our lights shine this week! Talk to someone about Jesus. Tell them what he’s done for you.

“In the same way, let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven.”
‭‭Matthew‬ ‭5‬:‭16‬ ‭ESV‬‬

Introducing Pepper Lou

Hi I’m Pepper Lou. I am almost 3 1/2 years old. I’ve been partnered with Terra since December 2021. My nicknames are PeppyLu, P Lou and Pepperoni. My favorite toys are stuffy’s and soft bones and don’t forget all the things that squeak. I am a social butterfly and there aren’t very many people that I don’t love. Don’t worry about washing your hands. If you meet me that is a free service center offer. I’m a good guide dog. I don’t feel too hard and I don’t walk too fast. Fun facts for some of you who don’t know… Terra has to work me on the right due to an injury from her last guide dog. Kola. I don’t mind. My trainer taught me how to walk on the right and I was a quick study. I can go either way though. When she is shopping with Michael at Walmart, I am on her left. That’s because she can see only in her right eye. So I guide her and she make sure that she doesn’t plow down the whole store with the cart. Lol. I had amazing puppy raisers. My trainer was awesome sauce. I am the best guy dog overall… My house manners are the best! I’m not bragging… I’m not really afraid of fireworks unless they’re super loud and make the ground vibrate and also light up… Otherwise they don’t bother me at all. My favorite people foods are steak and chicken along with strawberries and apples… Well, that’s a little bit about me. now leave a comment and ask any questions that you might have.

wasting time

Are you like me? Do you get caught up in watching Facebook reels, Instagram stories or tick-tock’s? Oh, I also forgot YouTube shorts… You know all those vertical video apps where you just swipe up for your next video? For me with an ADHD brain is like a little dopamine hit every time I swipe up. It’s like what’s going to be next? I found myself getting caught up and watching this bartender from South Carolina I think… Her name is Michelle. I don’t go to bars. I don’t drink. I don’t care about how to make drinks… She does have a cute baby… I don’t know how she sucked me into this trap of wanting to watch a Videos… It’s not just her though, but I’m just showing you how random it can be. It doesn’t really matter… And it’s not just these videos. They can waste your time but I’m definitely having a real issue with them. So instead, I am going to open the Bible app and pick a topic. Then it will show me a list of verses that fit that topic. I’ll go read a few. It’s better to read the Bible than keep continuously scrolling for hours. At least I will have studied God’s word and gained wisdom. I gain nothing but time spent by watching all of these vertical form videos. So if you like me, get out your Bible app, pick a topic that means something to you and scroll and find some verses to read and meditate on. Because I have nothing against Michelle from Carolina, or any of the other people I watch. I just know there’s got to be more than this in my life… it’s not doing anything to draw me closer to Christ. It’s not enriching me spiritually. It’s not helping me get anything done in my apartment or in my life. Not to say that I will never ever watch another vertical video again… I’m sure I will but not for hours and hours and hours… I have to pray about that… I have to put in the work… Being someone who has ADHD it’s definitely easy to get sucked into time traps and totally lose track of time. I start watching videos and before I know it it’s three or four in the morning…

By the way, if you like me and you have ADHD, you will definitely find some ADHD Contant coming up soon… But for those Nero, typical’s never have fear. I am still going to have content that you can totally relate to. Thanks for reading and many blessings to all of you.

Wow… I’m sorry!

Hey everyone. We were talking about blogs on one of the WhatsApp groups that I’m on because someone there is creating a blog. I thought wow I really should get back into writing my own blog. Little did I know that it was six years ago that I last rode in it. I said I wasn’t going to be one of those start a blog and then never hear from me, but then I did what I said I wasn’t going to. So a lot has changed in the last six years. It’s crazy! Michael and I moved back to Pennsylvania. We lived in a scary house on the hill where there were groundhogs, snakes, and mice… Now we’ve moved to a high-rise building where we are on the sixth floor. I have a new guide dog. Actually, I had number to who was Kola… she was definitely not a match for me… She’s now a canine bomb sniffer dog. Now I have Miss Pepper Lu. She’s such a good girl. She’s a black love.sadona retired in July 2020. I will definitely get back in here and do the product reviews that I said I was going to… Although they may be on different products… Like 99% sure they will be lol I also get back to writing my little devotionals and just keeping you up-to-date on my life… I’m so sorry that I dropped the ball again. Thanks so much for stopping by. God bless.

God Call

“The Lord is near to all who call upon Him, To all who call upon Him in truth. Psalms 145:18 NKJVIs your prayer life lacking something? Maybe you only call on God when you’re in trouble. Maybe your prayer life is like calling your in laws just because it’s their birthday and it’s polite. It’s something you do but wish you didn’t have to do. Do you have a war room? Are you praying in your closet? Are you a true prayer warrior? If you are, I truly look up to you for inspiration. 

I try to talk to God on a daily basis. Sometimes I barely say hello. I’m human! We humans are like gerbils on the wheel of life. Life is crazy busy and there are thousands of other things vying for our attention. If you let them, they could take over your prayer life and your study time in God’s word. 

If you’re like me, you have a pretty extensive prayer list. Sometimes it seems like you’re praying the phone book or like it’s a long laundry list of needs. It can start to seem like a list of demands if you let it. There has to be a balance of requests and thanksgiving. 

Sometimes I get caught up in praying for everyone and totally forget to pray for my needs. I guess you could say that is kind of selfless, but to me it seems like I’m telling God that I have life handled. I totally don’t! I found an app that helps me in a few ways. The app is called echo prayer. It’s free in the Apple App Store. It allows me to have a prayer list. This is great for organizing my many prayer requests. It allows me to be reminded to pray for people. I currently have it set to remind me to pray for a random person on the list. You can have it set to remind you to pray for specific requests at specific times. It allows me to share prayer requests with others. I send them to Mike all the time. You can have a prayer group. I highly recommend the app! The only issue I have with the app is that I usually have my iPhone on Do Not Disturb so I don’t get the reminders when they come in. This causes me to mass delete my notifications and make the reminder feature pretty much useless. I try not to get into this rut. This app keeps me communicating with God on a more consistent basis. It’ doesn’t always work though. I have to want to put the effort forth to have quality time with God. 
Since I promised to include my sister destinee’s LuLaRoe Facebook link in my next blog post… Here it is.

Lots to say

Hey y’all! It’s been like forever since I have updated this blog. I hope y’all have been doing well. Just an FYI… I am using Siri to dictate this post as it is after 3 AM and I don’t feel like digging my Bluetooth keyboard out. Hopefully Siri won’t make too many mistakes…

So what’s up? Well I am proud to say that I have 63 days straight on my newest streak in the you version app. This is a big accomplishment for me because like I said in one of my other posts I can get sidetracked and take a detour from reading the Bible. Some days I read several plansn several days with in those plans and honestly some days I just barely read one day with an a plan or one chapter with in a book… The point is though that I’m always reading something in God’s word. At least I haven’t gotten tripped up yet… I think the streak system really helps…

Speaking of streaks… My fit bit flex band broke. At first this was disappointing to me… I know those bands really don’t cost a lot of money but honestly I don’t think I will be replacing it. I found myself constantly wondering have I gotten close to Michael? How many steps did I just do? I would stop and start my exercise routine to see where my steps were. This wasn’t very productive… Also I was in a few challenges where I was always the winner… You would think being the winner all the time would be awesome but actually it gets old… I have nothing but good things to say about the fit bit but for me it’s time for a break…

I’ve got several reviews in the works for the blog… I will be reviewing bath and Bodyworks scent cubes as well as their scented oils.  I will review products from Scentsy, Thirtyone, Initials Inc and others. If there’s a product you are interested in a review and let me know. I really enjoy reviewing them.

In future blog posts I will also be featuring apps then I think you will love. 

I promise you that I’m going to devote more time to my blog. I know I have said this in the past and did not follow through so I understand if you don’t believe me… But it’s true!

I have been practicing on my MacBook Pro. I am learning voiceover and all of the fun gestures and things you can do. I’m hoping to get a WordPress app on the Mac so that I can use the Mac to edit my blog and create blog post. For now I am using my iPad. If you have any great resources for getting started with the mac shoot them my way. . I’m still a newbie!

Thanksgiving is fast approaching! I hope and pray that it is a blessed time for you and your family! I have a lot to be thankful for this year. We had some hard times this year and a lot has changed but we have a lot to thank God for. We have each other!

If you are a fan of LuLaRoe you should check out my sisters VIP group on Facebook. I will link here on my next blog post but for now you can search for LuLaRoe Destinee Wade VIP. 

ALove and blessings


Getting Tripped Up!

OK so let me set the scene for you. Earlier I saw a police car and a fire truck across from our townhouse. I turned on the 5-0 radio app but I got no info about what was going on. They left and I went on to playing with Sadona. I looked out the window about 10 minutes later and it looked. Like. A. Police officer was still out there. I took Sadona out to potty in hopes to hear what they were saying. She didn’t have to go so that was a waste of time. I didn’t hear anything either. There were people talking but I could not hear them. 

I decided to go back inside.. Sadona and I were walking along. I was looking over there and. Before I knew it. I was down on my kneeThere is. A part of the sidewalk which is kind of strange. My flip flop got caught on it and down I went. I scraped up my hands and my left knee.. I hurt my little toe on my left foot. I have since. Bandaged my poor bloody scraped up knee. And dealt with the scrapes on my hands. This accident/incident taught me a very good. Lesson. 

I was not paying attention to where I was going. I was trying to see what other people were doing. I lost focus! I got tripped up! I feel. Pretty dumb for having this happen to me. I don’t even know why I. Was so concerned with what was going on.. It did not affect me. My house was not on fire. Michael, Sadona and I were all doing fine. I feel like.    One of those ambulance chasing lawyers or. A gossip columnist snooping. Around for my next big scoop. I had plenty of my own things I could’ve been doing.. I could’ve continued to clean the house.. I could’ve caught up on podcasts,  read a book or listened to music. 

I can relate. This incident to other. Things in my life. So. I have had the goal of reading the Bible. In a year. For many years. I always let other things. Take more priority in my life. I get caught up in worldly things with worldly people. I stop reading the Bible at all. I have also thought it would be. Cool to. Create my own war room.. Nice idea but nothing has ever happened. With it.  These are just a few examples of my goals and good intentions. That I loose sight. Of because I stop looking ahead and start looking around. I take my eye off of the prize.. The prize is heaven. I definitely want to go there someday. Knowing the problem is a good first step. I have known that this is a problem for a while.  Today’s. incident really put a new light on the problem. I really want to re dedicate. My life to Christ and to keeping my eye on that prize.  This eans I have to make a bunch of changes. These are not going to be easy. Changes. I’m. Going to have to let go of some things and some people.. 

I need to step out in faith and stand up for what I know and believe in. I need to stop hiding behind people and things. For example: If someone asks me to go to a bar or a questionable movie I should not use my. Husband as a cover. up excuse. I need to say to. Them No I would not like to go to the bar. Because. I would be setting a bad example and a Christian really should not hang out in bars. I. Should not say sorry my husband would not like me. To go to ABC movie. I should politely decline and explain my. Reasons. 

I have to be brave and dare to be the God girl that I know I am. I have to let my light shine for all the world to see. I. Have to be a friend but not be influenced by friends to do the wrong things. I have to realize when it’s time to cut the cord on a friendshi. If I let all the worldly. Things get in my way I will never be able to truly live the Christ centered life that I want and need to live. It’s so hard sometimes to. Say no to worldly things. This is an area where I need your prayer really need to find a group of Christian sisters who.     Can build me up and help me overcome these obstacles.

Keep an eye on what is right in front of you.. Don’t be too concerned with everyone else and what they’re doing. This is one message that I received loud and clear today. I hope that my situation has also helped someone else realize how easily it is to loose sight of what really matters. Let’s lift our lights up high and let. Them shine. Dare to be a Jesus freak. 

Love and blessings


Oops! I am sorry that I abandoned my wordpress page. Life has been crazy busy. I will update y’all later. I am currently typing on my iPad screen. I will use my Bluetooth keyboard. TTYL

Is the saying true?

You know that old saying absence makes the heart grow fonder… Is it really true? Well I have been given an opportunity to find out. I have been staying in Murfreesboro several days a week to watch my nieces. My sister’s babysitter flaked out on her. It has definitely been a unique situation. I am not used to being away from Mike for this many days in a row. It is something that we discussed and decided that I would do to help my sister. Basically the condition of this is that I will go home every weekend and to be picked up on Monday morning to start all over again. This is my third week doing this. I am enjoying spending time with my nieces. I do miss Mike a lot. I I call him several times a day to let him know I’m thinking of him. It does seem that distance does make the heart grow fonder. Our time together on the weekends seems to be more precious and something we both look forward to throughout the week. I would not recommend this type of situation for those who are newly married because it definitely requires a lot of commitment on both parts to keep the relationship good. We are doing our best to keep connected even though we are about 30 to 40 miles away. This situation is only temporary. I will only be doing this until the end of June. This is like any other test in a relationship. I believe that our marriage is very strong and can stand the test of time. This opportunity is good for me as well as for my sister. She needed a good babysitter and I needed the cash but that would bring. I also needed the time with my nieces. I love them with all my heart and would do anything that I could to make their lives better. They bring me a lot of laughter and joy. In the words of my uncle, they keep me Young. If it were not for my amazing, understanding , patient husband this would not be possible. He is giving up a lot so that I can help my family. He knows that me being around kids makes me happy and he wants to do whatever makes me happy. That’s what I call amazing…

Just wow

Please excuse the poorly constructed article that I posted a few days ago. I had no time to actually read this article because I was babysitting my 11 month old niece and had to pay more attention to her than the article. I thought it would have been a great article to share with you but I was wrong. The person who wrote the article must not know how to use spell check. I apologize for this annoying Interruption on my blog. I hope you all are having a great weekend.