Getting Tripped Up!

OK so let me set the scene for you. Earlier I saw a police car and a fire truck across from our townhouse. I turned on the 5-0 radio app but I got no info about what was going on. They left and I went on to playing with Sadona. I looked out the window about 10 minutes later and it looked. Like. A. Police officer was still out there. I took Sadona out to potty in hopes to hear what they were saying. She didn’t have to go so that was a waste of time. I didn’t hear anything either. There were people talking but I could not hear them. 

I decided to go back inside.. Sadona and I were walking along. I was looking over there and. Before I knew it. I was down on my kneeThere is. A part of the sidewalk which is kind of strange. My flip flop got caught on it and down I went. I scraped up my hands and my left knee.. I hurt my little toe on my left foot. I have since. Bandaged my poor bloody scraped up knee. And dealt with the scrapes on my hands. This accident/incident taught me a very good. Lesson. 

I was not paying attention to where I was going. I was trying to see what other people were doing. I lost focus! I got tripped up! I feel. Pretty dumb for having this happen to me. I don’t even know why I. Was so concerned with what was going on.. It did not affect me. My house was not on fire. Michael, Sadona and I were all doing fine. I feel like.    One of those ambulance chasing lawyers or. A gossip columnist snooping. Around for my next big scoop. I had plenty of my own things I could’ve been doing.. I could’ve continued to clean the house.. I could’ve caught up on podcasts,  read a book or listened to music. 

I can relate. This incident to other. Things in my life. So. I have had the goal of reading the Bible. In a year. For many years. I always let other things. Take more priority in my life. I get caught up in worldly things with worldly people. I stop reading the Bible at all. I have also thought it would be. Cool to. Create my own war room.. Nice idea but nothing has ever happened. With it.  These are just a few examples of my goals and good intentions. That I loose sight. Of because I stop looking ahead and start looking around. I take my eye off of the prize.. The prize is heaven. I definitely want to go there someday. Knowing the problem is a good first step. I have known that this is a problem for a while.  Today’s. incident really put a new light on the problem. I really want to re dedicate. My life to Christ and to keeping my eye on that prize.  This eans I have to make a bunch of changes. These are not going to be easy. Changes. I’m. Going to have to let go of some things and some people.. 

I need to step out in faith and stand up for what I know and believe in. I need to stop hiding behind people and things. For example: If someone asks me to go to a bar or a questionable movie I should not use my. Husband as a cover. up excuse. I need to say to. Them No I would not like to go to the bar. Because. I would be setting a bad example and a Christian really should not hang out in bars. I. Should not say sorry my husband would not like me. To go to ABC movie. I should politely decline and explain my. Reasons. 

I have to be brave and dare to be the God girl that I know I am. I have to let my light shine for all the world to see. I. Have to be a friend but not be influenced by friends to do the wrong things. I have to realize when it’s time to cut the cord on a friendshi. If I let all the worldly. Things get in my way I will never be able to truly live the Christ centered life that I want and need to live. It’s so hard sometimes to. Say no to worldly things. This is an area where I need your prayer really need to find a group of Christian sisters who.     Can build me up and help me overcome these obstacles.

Keep an eye on what is right in front of you.. Don’t be too concerned with everyone else and what they’re doing. This is one message that I received loud and clear today. I hope that my situation has also helped someone else realize how easily it is to loose sight of what really matters. Let’s lift our lights up high and let. Them shine. Dare to be a Jesus freak. 

Love and blessings

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